First I’ve seen of this idea and I love it. Sure using Bitcoin slows adoption, but I assume it’s so you can pool the funds without the complication of a bank account. BitHub = Bitcoin + GitHub. An experiment in funding privacy OSS.
Posts Categorized: Links for Reading
OSIRT Blog, Brad Haas – OptimizePress Vulnerability
OSIRT – WordPress OptimizePress hack file upload vulnerability This is why I find hosting WordPress to be frustrating. It’s a huge security risk to not keep everything up to date. But if you do keep it all up to date, stuff tends to break., Scott Hanselman – Owning your own content
I’ve been thinking about writing about the importance of owning your own content, then I saw this. Well said, Scott Hanselman. Your words are wasted – Scott Hanselman.
LunaMetrics, Jonathan Weber – Google Analytics Auto Event Tracking
Google Tag Manager Auto Event Tracking. Good guide, but you’ll want to walk through the steps in Google Analytics as you read it to fully understand. This feature isn’t a simple as advertised, it requires some knowledge of HTML and programmatic thinking. The steps it takes are close to what I’d do as a developer… Read more »
HTML5 Doctor, Steve Faulkner – the Cite Element in HTML5
cite and blockquote – reloaded | HTML5 Doctor. Short version: you can cite stuff in the blockquote element, as you would expect. Unexpectedly, this was contrary to the initial HTML5 spec., Bill Gates – Saving Lives
Bill Gates: Here’s My Plan to Improve Our World — And How You Can Help